Gold Advisory Lawyers

Gold Advisory is a commercial law firm that helps small businesses to manage their risks and protect their assets for a fixed fees. Savvy legal advice.

Gold Advisory Lawyers works for business owners, entrepreneurs and managers of business. We provide advice on the areas of law that cause many businesses to end up in disputes with customers, suppliers, employees and even between themselves as business owners. We strive to be known as a legal firm of communicative doers that are cost effective and commercial.

We provide an in house counsel legal service 24/7, working on a fixed monthly retainer.

Commercial solicitor and former accountant Mary-Ann Seebeck is a partner and founder of Gold Advisory Lawyers. She is passionate about helping business owners protect their business assets including their brands and employees.
Mary-Ann is described as the “outhouse in house counsel” for manufacturing firms. She has worked as a solicitor in the legal departments of blue chip companies such as Shell, Target, Wesfarmers and TAC for over 15 years. Her experience in these large corporates is currently being translated into a commercially savvy legally astute book for business owners.

Her many clients come to her because of her experience in business, because she does not bill in six minute increments and she knows how to get the job done without getting bogged down with complex legalese.
Mary-Ann is also passionate about fitness, an Australian age group representative in triathlon, having represented Australia in 2012 in New Zealand at the Triathlon world championships. She knows the value of time so that owners can pursue other goals.
She knows that business owners want commercial legal advice provided by an experienced solicitor but they cannot afford to have an in-house counsel full time. Gold Advisory Lawyers fills that demand.
